Cloud-based security systems are growing in popularity, but many people don’t know what the cloud is — or how it’s transforming the industry. The cloud is part of nearly all of our daily lives. If you have a Google Drive or Dropbox account or use iCloud on your Apple devices, you’re already relying on the cloud; you may not realize it. The cloud storage market will be worth a staggering two trillion dollars by 2032, and it’s viewed as the way of the future for good reason. While it can be intimidating to learn something new and tempting to stick with what you know, cloud-based security systems are straightforward to understand, and a grasp of the technology can improve your business. Let’s explore how cloud-based security systems can benefit your business and how to find the right security partner for the job.
What is the Cloud?
While we say “the cloud” colloquially, the correct term is cloud computing. Essentially, cloud computing allows you to access data and files from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection. To function properly, cloud computing requires physical servers and storage systems. As mentioned above, we trust these systems to keep our personal and business files safe. The same is true for cloud-based security systems, which store data remotely. In contrast, CCTV systems are hardwired and transmit photos and video to a physical location, which requires constant surveillance and an on-site location to monitor footage. The biggest benefit of CCTV is that you won’t have to worry about your cameras going offline in the case of a power outage or cybersecurity attack because these cameras don’t rely on Wi-Fi.
Benefits of Cloud-Based Security Systems
While some may consider CCTV systems more reliable, there are benefits to cloud-based systems worth considering. First — and perhaps most importantly — these systems allow flexibility that isn’t possible with wired systems. This eliminates the need for on-site maintenance. There’s also an added level of security. Data is encrypted and protected when transferred, lessening the risk of ending up in the wrong hands. Additionally, it’s easier to scale a cloud-based system as your business changes in size because you won’t have to worry about the cost of hardware. These systems also simplify adding AI technology to your security strategy, which provides tremendous value to you and your organization. Depending on your needs, they’re often easier to install, which may equal a cost reduction.
Finding the Right Provider
Not all security providers are created equal, and some security companies that brand themselves as innovative don’t offer cloud services. If you’re considering cloud-based security systems, you need a firm passionate about technology and security. You can contact Integrated Security Consultants online or call 813-254-0033. Our team prioritizes Integrity, Solutions, and Customer Service while protecting people, property, and profits. We specialize in cloud-based systems and serve the Tampa Bay area and beyond. The industry is quickly changing, and making the right choice when hiring a security company is essential. Call us today for a free, no-obligation quote.